Garry Random Screen

был(а) в сети 27 июня в 00:53

Bang bang Time go Continues be live Stay

Hm... I see the light. I don't think I should

I thought there would be nothing alive, but here the monster with glowing eyes is sleeping. I used to be afraid of them, their quiet roar could become loud even after, no one can escape from it.

From the papers on the street, I barely understood in the pictures that there was horror here. Looking at everything from a height, it seems to me that there were not only those here. I've noticed hosts, but they're hard and cold. There was no connec...Развернутьtion for a long time, because catacombs made of the same material interfered for some reason.

The owners didn't go much here. There is a chance to find something alive. I'm walking on something dead. Am I alive?

How long has the generation been lost? I find some relatively new ones, some from the past. This world is so strange. It seems to be the future, but it seems that they did not curb themselves.

Do the remains of the humanity of my world leave me the opportunity to show the consequences? Is the world without people or is this world dead because of higher powers? It's hard to think when you've only seen... part of the story.

Space... It's so endless... looking for the end has the same meaning as leading it... But I'm driving this car.

Don't tell me. I don't want to disappoint. A contract with yourself.

This cat...
